Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Top 10 Jewish Rites of Passage

  1. Circumcision: Symbolizing the covenant between G-d and the Jewish people. Nothing welcomes a boy into the Jewish people like a bris (the ritual circumcision ceremony). 
  2. Bar/Bat Mitzvah: The coming of age ceremony at age 13 for boys and sometimes age 12 for girls, where the young Jew takes on the responsibilities of being a Jewish adult. 
  3. Baby Naming: Fortunately, we have no female circumcision in Judaism, but we don’t want to leave the girls out. The baby naming brings the Jewish soul into the girl. 
  4. Pidyon haBen: When the first born son of an Israelite woman is 30 days old, this is a special ceremony that redeems him. 
  5. First Mikvah: A spiritual cleansing by immersing oneself in a ritual bath. 
  6. Wedding: This ceremony transitions a person from one stage of life to the next. 
  7. Children: Nothing makes a person mature faster than having to take care of a child. 
  8. Upsherin (First Haircut): Traditionally, a boy gets his first haircut after turning three years old. 
  9. Confirmation/Graduating Hebrew School: There are various ceremonies in some denominations when a person has finished additional Jewish education. 
  10. Second Bar/Bat Mitzvah: Jewish tradition says that your life starts over again at the age of 70. Therefore when a person reaches the age of 83, there is a second bar/bat mitzvah.
Learn more about the Jewish rites of passage in this popular book.

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