Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Top 10 Jewish Holidays

  1. Yom Kippur: The mother of all holidays! One day of fasting and you're absolved of all your sings for the year.  Not a bad dea.
  2. Rosh Hashanah: Hard to deny the Jewish New Year the #2 spot as the second of the High Holidays.  It begins the 10 days of repentance.
  3. Passover: The most widely celebrated Jewish holiday of all.
  4. Sukkot: Nothing beats sitting int eh sukkah and eating a dinner under the stars.
  5. Purim: The Halloween of Judaism, but we're not trying to scare away evil spirits.
  6. Hanukkah: While actually a very minor holiday, it gets overly recognized because of its proximity to Christmas
  7. Shavuot: Celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people.
  8. Simchat Torah: Celebrates the conclusion of the reading of the Torah.
  9. Tu B'Shevat: A holiday that celebrates trees.
  10. Lag BaOmer: Jews celebrate this holiday by lighting bonfires.
* Many consider Shabbat to the be the holiday that outranks any other holiday. While not a holiday in the commonly understood sense of the term for most Jews today, if you want to call Shabbat #1, then you have no choice but to give Lag BaOmer the boot! It’s your call.  Learn more about the Jewish holidays from by clicking on the cover of the book you can get on Amazon below.

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